Thursday, 15 July 2010


Yesterday was Saturday and today is... Thursday again?!
I am not quite sure about what happened to this week. Suddenly it is almost gone. Believe me, this is something nice as far as laboral week is concerned, but, where is all my spare time gone? What have I read this week? No answer. What films have I enjoyed this week? No answer. Any improvements to the state of my messy flat? Better not to give an answer.
Well, I will stop complaining, and try to catch up with myself and life.

And here, some beautiful blogs I am enjoying these days...
Interesting words, nice images and utterly beautiful videos, don't miss Pacing The Panic Room
New ideas and discoveries at Green is the new black
Handmade bliss at Robin and Mould (don't miss their sweet and fun owls)
Lovely outfits by Frocks and Frou Frou
All things beautiful are to be found at Creature Comforts


  1. Thanks for mentioning Frocks & Frou Frou. I think it's my new favourite fashion blog. It's so nice to see a realistic model looking gorgeous rather than yet another size 0 making everyone else feel inadequate.

  2. In fact, her blog is like fresh air... seeing someone not strictly within the 'standards' of fashion, looking gorgeous in some beautiful clothes, that is great!
