Thursday, 1 July 2010


July is here, and so my body is dreaming of the beach (oooh, last week, when I was there, sounds so distant now), and of beautiful bathing suits.

I bought a new bikini, almost this beautiful, on May and was able to wear it in my short holidays. I hope it won't get in the closet all the remaining of the summer.
Also, looking at this beautiful one, I wonder whether I should do something to my hair. Maybe I sould get my bangs cut as nice as Bernie's, although I don't think I'd look as fabulous. Now my hair is at that lenght that it's not a nice bob, but neither it is a beautiful proper long hair. All I can do is not liking it. Maybe I should go for a solution...
Look what July brouhgt to me -now I know I DO need a visit to my hairdresser's.

*photo via Unique Vintage

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