Thursday, 29 July 2010


You will have noticed any or all of the following:
I am not the perfect blogger.
I am faaaaaaaaar from being a good blogger (sometimes I even wonder whether I am a blogger).
I like blogging.
I enjoy surfing the Web and reading blogs.
I have been away from my blog and -what is worse- from my all times and new favourite readings quite long.

And the last obvious thing: I will be on blog-vacation until September comes to stay. I am feeling as if the too warm weather and the sun outdoors are calling my name. And I need to answer. And I need to spend less time in front of my computer (some parts of my body are also talking to me).

Maybe we'll see after this brief couple of months? I will be back, for sure!

Friday, 16 July 2010


If there is anything I like, it is travelling by train. It is so... smooth, so nostalgic, so romantic in the train.
I love me a good book, some music or even a good old film (hey, I watched E.T.: the Extra-Terrestrial for the first time in the train, when I was like 22. All the wagon laughing or animatedly chatting while remembering little details of the film, after the one hundred and two times they had seen it, and what was I doing? Crying my heart out!), or just looking through the window while the landscape runs, runs, runs.

And know what? This weekend I will be travelling, 5 hours go and 5 back. By bus! Happy weekending.

*photo via weheartit

Thursday, 15 July 2010


Yesterday was Saturday and today is... Thursday again?!
I am not quite sure about what happened to this week. Suddenly it is almost gone. Believe me, this is something nice as far as laboral week is concerned, but, where is all my spare time gone? What have I read this week? No answer. What films have I enjoyed this week? No answer. Any improvements to the state of my messy flat? Better not to give an answer.
Well, I will stop complaining, and try to catch up with myself and life.

And here, some beautiful blogs I am enjoying these days...
Interesting words, nice images and utterly beautiful videos, don't miss Pacing The Panic Room
New ideas and discoveries at Green is the new black
Handmade bliss at Robin and Mould (don't miss their sweet and fun owls)
Lovely outfits by Frocks and Frou Frou
All things beautiful are to be found at Creature Comforts

Friday, 9 July 2010


It is Friday again. Hey, I must be a lucky girl!


*photo via weheartit

Wednesday, 7 July 2010


In case anyone was wondering about my yoga, just wanted to let you know that I am not that far with it. That my practice is quite unorthodox, but that I am ok with it. So, what should I say? Is it good? I really don't know.
In other news, I'm just feeling a little bit...
For a good laugh, refer to They'll never deceive you! and they are as good and true as this one.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Monday, 5 July 2010


I could eat watermelon like FOREVER.

*photo via weheartit

Friday, 2 July 2010


Summer may have started some ten days ago, but for me the first weekend of summer is the first one in July. So let's the fun begin!

Happy weekend!

*photo via weheartit

Thursday, 1 July 2010


July is here, and so my body is dreaming of the beach (oooh, last week, when I was there, sounds so distant now), and of beautiful bathing suits.

I bought a new bikini, almost this beautiful, on May and was able to wear it in my short holidays. I hope it won't get in the closet all the remaining of the summer.
Also, looking at this beautiful one, I wonder whether I should do something to my hair. Maybe I sould get my bangs cut as nice as Bernie's, although I don't think I'd look as fabulous. Now my hair is at that lenght that it's not a nice bob, but neither it is a beautiful proper long hair. All I can do is not liking it. Maybe I should go for a solution...
Look what July brouhgt to me -now I know I DO need a visit to my hairdresser's.

*photo via Unique Vintage