Wednesday, 9 June 2010


Suddenly it is not hot. It is almost cold. Suddenly the sky is grey. Suddenly I had to close my window because of the wind. And suddenly all I can think of is ice-creams.
Delicious, summerish, colourful, happy ice-creams. My mind is all like that. Maybe I'd better prepare some chicken broth, it seems the weather is going ugly for some more days.

In other news, I am all excited as in a few days I will be starting my yoga lessons. I had tried it some years ago, but it resulted in disaster, so I am willing to see what happens this time -and see if my stiff body recovers some flexibility, or at least mobility, as it seems all I do is being on my computer and watching tv. OK, and going for a nice walk from time to time. And sew? That's not moving strictly speaking, right? OK, yoga, here I go!

*photo via weheartit

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