Friday, 21 May 2010


When you think everything sucks, and you are having horrible nightmares while sleeping, and tears unexpectedly want to come into your eyes... Suddenly you just wake up to a fresh beautiful morning. Breeze. Birds. A nice breakfast. And some ugly urgent work to do but, who cares? You realize that (at least by now today).
And as so, this weekend I'll do my best to make it better, and will try to find my way to one of these lovely deliciousness.
On a side note, I do have some nice touches of pink in my home-office. BFF gave these to me.

So now I'm started in the pink trend, right?
[Note to self: do not ever use again your own really bad and not edited photos in the same post you are using someone's else beautiful ones until you learn how to shoot. Thanks]
Have a nice weekend!

*photo 1 via weheartit

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