Tuesday, 25 May 2010


After a relaxing, nice and looong weekend, today I don't feel at all back on track. In fact, I am not feeling well.

Maybe I'll have to wait until tomorrow for everything to be fine again.
Maybe I love-hate spring and my hay fever is causing it all.

*photo via weheartit

Friday, 21 May 2010


When you think everything sucks, and you are having horrible nightmares while sleeping, and tears unexpectedly want to come into your eyes... Suddenly you just wake up to a fresh beautiful morning. Breeze. Birds. A nice breakfast. And some ugly urgent work to do but, who cares? You realize that Life.is.beautiful (at least by now today).
And as so, this weekend I'll do my best to make it better, and will try to find my way to one of these lovely deliciousness.
On a side note, I do have some nice touches of pink in my home-office. BFF gave these to me.

So now I'm started in the pink trend, right?
[Note to self: do not ever use again your own really bad and not edited photos in the same post you are using someone's else beautiful ones until you learn how to shoot. Thanks]
Have a nice weekend!

*photo 1 via weheartit

Thursday, 20 May 2010


As focused as I have been in creating a comfortable and lovely little office at home, I have been so blind thinking only of whites, some reds, and a few oranges. However, I felt a kind of a shock today seeing these photos via Design*Sponge. HOT PINK! Why on Earth hadn't I thought of pink?

Maybe it is because I am so obsessed with red, and with getting the sensation of a wider space thanks to white that I couldn't even think of any other colour.
Maybe it is also that when I saw this lovely corner, I just relaxed and felt like reading, reading, reading, and enjoying a nice cup of tea here like forever.

I am so in love with Kirsten Voortman's place...

Tuesday, 18 May 2010


I am feeling kind of under the weather, and I think it may be because of the spring and this weakness so linked to this season. I am on my royal jelly already, and maybe I need some colortherapy -red is needed today around here. Definitely.

*photo via weheartit

Monday, 17 May 2010

CATASTROPHE (on a small scale)

Dear Tweezers,
Where are you today of all days? Don't be afraid, I'll be good to you. Promised! But, please do come back.

Thursday, 13 May 2010


I think I might need at least one of these sooner or later.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010


There is something about purple flowers, that makes me feel comfortable, reassured, spring-like, soft, a little bit corny (?). And I have been savouring some nice moments through these beautiful comemeriendas (steal-picninc), as we familiarly call them in my little corner of Spain, Moa Maria has found.

And through these violets with which Soule Mama has made a deliciously looking pie.

Monday, 10 May 2010


Probably next week some of these will be totally irrelevant, and I will be hating something else. Maybe not.

  • Grey days when all I want is a little sunshine
  • People washing the dishes with cold water (afterwards the dishes are slippery, specially if you dressed your salad with some olive oil)
  • My tastebuds needing some vinegar, and not having gherkins in the fridge
  • Dog owners allowing their loved animals pooping all over the street
  • Extremely talkative restaurant waiters
  • Loving chocolate so much!
  • Not having hot water the minute I want to have a shower
  • Putting all my efforts in cooking a lovely meal, and that it results in something totally untasty (why me?!)
  • Making the bed
  • Talking on the phone (to nearly everybody)
But hating is not the only thing in life. Just one thing I do love. Oh my, do i love custard?

(not that I've had some today, but this was a delicious dessert I wanted to remember)

Friday, 7 May 2010


Wishing you a lovely weekend!

*photo via weheartit

Wednesday, 5 May 2010


The weather is fooling us here, and after a couple of summer days, it is cold again. And here I am, daydreaming of sunny vacation days, margaritas, and long walks by the beach.

Obviously, this beautiful dress by Anthropologie makes it all absolutely perfect! (in my dreams)

Tuesday, 4 May 2010


Here I am again, after a long and not planned break.
Some areas of life need no commitment for me, and blogging is one of them. I become obsessed with something(healthily obsessed, please) and the next day I can't stand doing it. So... I suppose I just needed not doing it (as if I had been blogging for ages!).

Anyway, I just needed to write down how I felt yesterday in the evening while and after watching The Constant Gardener. This is so heavy on contents. The images, the story, all that is behind it...How many lies are we told each and every day of our lives?

If you haven't done it yet, it is a must!