Who is this mister? I don't know, but what I know is that he is totally in love. He's part of the nice work of Blanca, you can see her work here. I am totally in love too today.
She lives 900km away, where I too lived until some months ago. Together we have gone to college, shared flats, worked, watched crap tv, fell in love, traveled, cried, laughed (LAUGHED), enjoyed delicious food... and together we have danced.so.much.
I am so happy we are spending this weekend... guess what? Together. Here's to best friends!
I do love chocolate. And if New York Magazine says that it is good eating one ounce of dark chocolate a day, who am I to say no to that? I am enjoying their 50 Steps to Simple Happiness. Obviously not all of them are at my reach, but I am getting some nice ideas.